Friday, June 7, 2013

Coconut Banana and Mint Smoothie

Our mint is flourishing throughout our herb garden and I am ecstatic because I love the unique flavour and fresh, aromatic scent that evokes fond memories of summery mojitos, spicy green salads, chocolate mint cookies, and lime and mint lemonade.

Fresh mint is a versatile, distinct herb that deserves a special place on a menu and in our household on the morning of my first university exam I chose to blend a delicious, thick smoothie with ingredients we either grow organically or have on hand no matter the time of year.

Coconut Banana and Mint Smoothie
Serves 2-3

4 Lady Finger bananas
1 young coconut, flesh and juice
8-10 fresh mint leaves
2 tsp hemp oil
1 tsp maca root powder*

Blend all ingredients until thick and smooth. You may add natural yoghurt or substitute coconut milk for some of the coconut juice for a creamier texture. I've also tried unsweetened almond milk in this smoothie and it tastes incredible!

Fresh mint, smooth blended coconut and dreamy sweet banana make for a delicious, healthy and stimulating smoothie that will help to settle your butterflies. Mint has been used medicinally to treat indigestion as it can aid digestion. I found it particularly refreshing before my exam and managed to remain calm and relaxed as my pen hit the exam paper.

*A little word of warning for some of you out there who may be new to maca root... My friend Sophie recently suggested it to me and my, oh my did it have a peculiar effect. Comment below if you you know what I'm talking about...

You have one week to enter our giveaway, if you haven't entered yet, the link can be found here and some of the items available are featured below.

Bella xx


  1. Looks delsih, lady! I LOVE mint in smoothies.
    Are we talking 'lusty maca root'...because that was a side effect I didn't expect!

    Sar xx

  2. Yes! I couldn't believe it, thought it was a bit of hype. It goes to show, you should NEVER underestimate the power of super foods! How've you been Sar? I hope you and Sam are keeping warm this long weekend.
    Bella xx


Thank you for taking the time to leave your messages. I love reading your words and sharing snippets from our seaside life with you.

Love Bella xx


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