Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Summer Memories

Remembering my Happy Place

I vividly remember the warm summer day when I visited this windswept beach with my husband. It was late morning, the white sun rose in a giant arch in the hazy blue sky as distant storm clouds silently crept towards the sea from the cool green mountains. On this day I imagined I was on a beach in the Hamptons, with long stretches of pale sand and faded beach grass, whipping in the coastal breeze. We ran along the beach like carefree teenagers, kicking sea water, kissing and posing for silly photos without a care in the world.

On this remarkable day I was a million miles from where I find myself now, packing every last memory neatly away into quiet little corners of my mind as I face new challenges over the coming weeks. University Exams. Illness. Work Commitments. The absence of my husband, who will be overseas for another two weeks. Loneliness.

When I feel the early subtle cues for anxiety, sadness and stress I will remember this place, a place I fell in love with my husband all over again. A place for summer memories.

Bella xx

A warm reminder to enter our giveaway, which closes in less than two weeks! Think of all the wonderful things you could do with these items (if you don't know what they are, follow the link)! I'll continue to post reminders here and there and will announce the lucky winner on June 17th, 2013. xx


  1. What a beautiful place to go to in your mind! You are so pretty!!!!

    1. It helps when I'm stressed, an even better solution is to take 15 minutes from crazy life and walk along the beach. Most days I run with Coco, which is uplifting.
      As for your last comment, thank you however I don't know that 'duck face' (as my friends call it) quite qualifies as pretty :)
      Bella xx

  2. Love how we have places in our minds we go to. Mine is the cold (as much as I hate it) my best memory of Justin is the night we meet, and it was freezing that night. Wow, I wish I could have a warmer happier place like you!

    1. That sounds like a lovely encounter! Was it snowing? The colder months can make for a wonderful opportunity to meet new people. i recall being in Prague when I was 21. Travelling, alone in a cafe as it snowed outside and I met a remarkable older man who was drinking mulled wine. I sat with him and we chatted for an hour or so about the city, he'd lived there his entire life- it was an incredible tale.
      Bella xx


Thank you for taking the time to leave your messages. I love reading your words and sharing snippets from our seaside life with you.

Love Bella xx


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