Sunday, June 2, 2013

Dreamy Film Photography

I've been fussing so much about my new lens (and quite rightly so, thank you hubby!) that I have somewhat neglected another little passion of mine that has been building. Film photography.

Journey into film photography

I love the blurry, nostalgic quality of film as it captures moments of life in dreamy frames. I particularly love sepia and black and white tones of film that provide hazy contrast in pictures. Inky blackness and warm light. There's something magical in film photography that I have not encountered with digital.

Do any of you share my little hobby? Do you post your film photos anywhere? Would you like to share them? Do you have the time to plan your pictures more carefully rather than relying on the click-delete-click again versatility of digital cameras?

I'd love to hear from you in the comments!

Bella xx


  1. Ahh..such a breath of fresh air!! I love film photography so much! In High School I was really into it and now I've just settled on the cheap and quick way of the digital world! However I am so inspired- you make me want to get back out my film camera!

    I think shooting film you are much more engaged in the act of photography, since you really have to try to get the shot you desire.

    These shots of yours are great! Keep 'em comin' girl!

  2. I have a stash of film that I use in my collection of cameras. Sometimes it will take months to go through a roll other times I will shoot a couple of rolls in one day


Thank you for taking the time to leave your messages. I love reading your words and sharing snippets from our seaside life with you.

Love Bella xx


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