Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Our Winter Home

Some days all I want to do is sit and watch the sunrise in soft orange, rose and lilac hues across a winter sky. I want to feel the warmth on my face, and the sea air deep in my lungs with each slow breath. I want to hear sea birds; the sounds of the waves against the shore; and the breeze flowing through the trees.

Most mornings I experience this scene for a few short moments before life throws me over it's shoulder and hauls me away to work in a distant town beside a dark river.

a favourite cushion // carved balinese woodwork // glass top coffee table

green life indoors // a warm cocoon // seashell collection on my windowsill

Our frangipani tree has begun to grow new flowers, the first signs that the heart of winter may be behind us. We have somehow managed to survive this cool season without using a fire or any other heating device. We warm the house by opening the shutters to take advantage of the sunshine afforded by Mother Nature during the shorter daylight hours. Extra blankets at night, thick socks, hot tea and home cooking warms our bodies in our winter home.

What environmentally friendly methods do you utilise to keep warm during the winter time?

Bella xx


  1. Your Winter Home looks so beautiful. I love those shells. x

    1. Thank you Elizabeth. I collect seashells every time I visit the beach... I had accumulated so many that I have begun to return a few every now and again. It's a habit I've had since I was a small girl :)
      Bella xx

  2. I live in my big snuggly dressing gown (over my regular clothes) when I'm at home during the day. I stick Dear Boy in a million layers and a hoodie and we're all good without the heater until around 4:30pm.

    1. Oh that dressing gown sounds toasty :) It's a great idea to maintain warmth for as long as possible before using the heater, layers definitely do the trick around here too :)
      Bella xx

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Katie. I will post more revealing images from my home in the coming weeks.
      Bella xx


Thank you for taking the time to leave your messages. I love reading your words and sharing snippets from our seaside life with you.

Love Bella xx


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