Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Raw Chocolate Banana Smoothie

Raw Chocolate Banana Smoothie
Serves 2
2 ripe, peeled bananas
2 Tbs raw cacao powder
1 Tbs maca root powder
1 Tbs honey*
1 tsp hemp oil
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
3/4 cup chilled soy or almond milk

Blend all ingredients in a high powered blender. Serve with a sprinkle of ground cinnamon and enjoy this thick, smooth, delicious drink for breakfast or brunch. This is a great drink to give you energy and is a variation on my other fave raw chocolate smoothie that has subtle hints of vanilla, avocado and spirulina. The most notable difference however is the incredible chocolatey flavour that comes from adding two tablespoons of raw cacao powder.

*For a vegan option, substitute one tablespoon of agave nectar instead of the honey.

maca root powder // raw choc banana goodness

Throw in a handful of washed baby spinach for a splash of green or if you're after a really thick smoothie, blend up the smoothie with a tablespoon or two of chia seeds. It's best to leave the smoothie in the fridge over night or at least whilst you go for your morning beach run before drinking the chia seed version. This allows enough time for the seeds to swell to the their trademark tapicoa-like consistency, just remember to shake well before drinking. Delicious and oh so healthy... Now that's a superfood chocolate smoothie.

I have another variation that I'd love to share with you soon that includes raspberries. More recipes to come and don't forget to enter my giveaway to be drawn August 10th.

raw cacao beans and powder

I'd love to hear your favourite nutritious whole food cacao meal and drink recipes!

Bella xx


  1. Mmmmmmm ... I'm absolutely going to have to try this, Bella. Thank you for the recipe!

    1. Thanks Katie... Oh I just made this with a red delicious apple added for extra fibre and sweetness. I used the flesh and the skin, which is a little chewy but oh so tasty! It's a meal in a drink, so thick and tasty :)
      Bella xx


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Love Bella xx


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