Saturday, July 13, 2013

Gluten Free Pea and Ham Quiche

Last Sunday I mentioned I have some little projects in the works. In this post I share one of those projects with you! I'm now a contributor to The Thrifty Issue, a blog created by Alison who shares her passion for recycling, getting back to nature, saving money and teaching our children the value of sustainability and eco-friendly living . If you're after a thrifty recipe this weekend, then pop over to the Food & Drink page on The Thrifty Issue blog for platefuls of ideas that you can cook and create at home!

Being thrifty is also about being smart with cash and here I share my simple recipe for a delicious, moist gluten free quiche using ingredients you will most likely find in your pantry, refrigerator or freezer. If you have unexpected guests or haven't had time to pop to the grocery store, never fear, you can whip up this easy quiche in no time. And when I say easy, I mean it! This is the most simple, gratifying quiche I have ever made and it tastes delicious!

Warm quiche slices for lunch

Gluten Free Pea and Ham Quiche
Serves 8

For the Pastry
60g unsalted butter
1 cup gluten free plain flour
2 Tbs chilled water
additional butter for greasing quiche dish

For the Filling
6 large free range eggs
1 small brown onion, finely diced
1 clove garlic, finely diced
1 small red capsicum, diced
4 thin slices of ham or 4 slices of bacon, diced
1/2 cup frozen peas
1/2 cup grated gluten free Gruyere or tasty cheese
1/2 cup gluten free self-raising flour
Himalayan salt and cracked pepper to season

I wish you could smell this quiche... Mmmmmmm.....

For the Pastry:
Sift the flour into a large bowl, grate the butter into the flour and mix with your fingers until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Alternatively, you may cut the butter into cubes, add it to a food processor with the flour and pulse until crumbly. Add the chilled water sparingly until the mixture just comes together. You may find that you do not require all the water, so it is important not to add it all at once. Form the pastry into a ball, cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

For the Filling:
Crack individual eggs into a small bowl before adding to a large mixing bowl. Whisk the eggs, sift in the gluten free self-raising flour and mix well. Add the remaining ingredients, season with salt and pepper and stir until evenly coated with the egg.

Assembly and Baking:
Preheat an oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Grease a 25cm quiche or pie dish, roll the pastry between sheets of greaseproof paper, then carefully line the dish and pinch the edges of the pastry between your thumb and forefinger to create a crimped edge. Pour the filling into the centre and smooth the top until roughly even. Bake uncovered for 40 to 50 minutes. Serve with freshly steamed broccolini, sprinkled with olive oil and seasoned with cracked pepper and sea salt or your choice of roast vegetables in the winter time. This quiche is delicious when served with a fresh, crisp salad in the summer time and can be enjoyed, warm from the oven or at room temperature.

Feel free to mix and match ingredients for the filling. I've added goats cheese and lightly cooked leek to mine in the past to make for one tasty quiche.

When my vegetarian friend came to stay, I made a vegetarian version of this quiche. For a spinach, mushroom and feta option, try the following filling (method and pastry as above):

Spinach, Mushroom and Danish Feta Filling
6 large free range eggs
1 small brown onion, finely diced
1 clove garlic, finely diced
3 Spinach leaves, washed, finely sliced
100g button mushrooms, finely sliced
1/2 cup grated gluten free Gruyere cheese
1/2 cup gluten free self-raising flour
Himalayan salt and cracked pepper to season


Delicious served hot or at room temperature

Have a wonderful weekend friends, full of laughter, love and wonderful food.

If you're somewhere near our southern oceans, perhaps you might spot a gorgeous humpback whale or two whilst you enjoy the sea and salt.

Bella xx


  1. YUM! The variation on your filling sounds delish. Am making it tomorrow for our Sunday lunch ... can't wait ;-) Cheers, Alison

    1. HI Alison, I wanted to include something a bit different for vegetarians. It was sooooo tasty! I hope you're having a wonderful weekend. xx

  2. Oh my goodness -- this looks absolutely delicious, Bella!


Thank you for taking the time to leave your messages. I love reading your words and sharing snippets from our seaside life with you.

Love Bella xx


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