Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Dear Summer...

Long summer days, blue skies, surfing, watermelon, sailing...

Last night I woke up shivering on more than one occasion. When the sun rose, the chilly air was still in my room. Outside I could hear the morning calls of native birds and the calming whoosh of the constant waves upon the shore.

By 6:30am the tip of my nose was cold and my throat ached as I tried to swallow. I reluctantly dragged myself out of bed, slipped on my ugh boots and tip-toed across the cool timber floors, down the stairs to our kitchen where I reheated chia seed and almond milk pudding with cinnamon and honey for breakfast. Too cold to enjoy my pudding at our breakfast bar, I returned to bed to savour spoonful after sweet spoonful of the tapioca-like dessert. The cold air caused the hair on my arms to prickle with goosebumps as I reached for a chunky knitted beanie that I had purchased the previous winter from the outdoor markets in Melbourne.

I reasoned with myself that if it's too cold to get out of bed, then it's much too cold to go surfing.

How I yearn for long summer days, the spicy heat of the night, and crystal clear blue waves that peak and topple like thick glass walls as we paddle between the sets under a golden sun. In the summer time we would face a crowd of hungry seagulls outside the fish co-op, eyeing our lunch. In the summer time I could wear denim shorts and thongs as I skated to the corner store for fresh juice. In the summer time, Coco and I could spend hours at the beach exploring, running and splashing about in the sea...

Dear Summer,

I miss you.

Bella xx

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Thank you for taking the time to leave your messages. I love reading your words and sharing snippets from our seaside life with you.

Love Bella xx


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