Saturday, April 13, 2013

Rainy Autumn Days

Rainy Autumn days. Lazy morning sleep ins, heavy showers against my bedroom windows, hot homemade soup, Coco cuddles, midday naps, movies in bed, the sound of the rain and wind outside.

Music credits to the multi-talented Jack Johnson.

Milky white skies with clouds that swell and empty in stormy sheets over the dark sea. The warm sleeping furry ball that is Maxi cat purrs gently from my warm bed.

I sit by the window, wrapped in a thick knitted scarf, my fingers curled around a steaming cup of tea as I look out over the churning waves.

I love the change in seasons.

What do you love about Autumn?

Love Bella xx


  1. Wow Bella, Great video!!! I like it :)

    1. Thank you Supreet, do you have any movies? They're a fun way to share :)

      Bella xx

    2. No bella, I don't have any but will surely make one and share soon, Thanks for inspiring!!!

  2. Love the video and very jealous that you have proper autumn there it's still hot here and I'm over it.

    1. Thank you Lila,

      It has certainly cooled considerably since Summer, I presume that's because we had such a wet summer. I love the calming effect the rain has, so no complaints. The sun always seems to shine later. I hope it's not hot for too much longer where you are Lila

      Bella xx

  3. Oh it's been so rainy here today... sadly not in a lovely romantic way, but in a miserable grey and seriously DAMP sort of way. But it's definitely better than the icy cold we were having before! x


Thank you for taking the time to leave your messages. I love reading your words and sharing snippets from our seaside life with you.

Love Bella xx


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