Saturday, April 6, 2013

Easter Bliss

Our Easter was brimming with colour, rain, sunshine, fun, delicious food, great company, adventure and laughter.

Joe and Reg made the long drive from Sydney to our little beachside home. Once here, we dined on local produce, travelled to muddy green forests, witnessed a secret music video as it was filmed amongst the trees, went fishing at the local marina and caught... Nothing. People surrounding us caught snapper, bream and one boy reeled in his line to discover a hungry crab grasping the bait with one claw before making a hasty retreat back to the sea.

seaside picnic // watching Coco // a road less travelled // anticipating a bite

leaning breakfast stack // seaside laughter // green hills of Never Land

One morning we ventured to Saltwater Cafe where we dined on gluten free mushroom bruschetta, and other hearty breakfast menu items, such as the leaning breakfast stack pictured above. We then wandered over to the popular Thong Tree, where we left our footprint high in the branches.

friend or foe // a beautiful setting // a thong memory // New Zealand chilli mussels // natural rock pool

I loved having an extra long weekend to enjoy a smokey barbecue on our front verandah as the rain poured down in intermittent showers. When the weather cleared, the boys went surfing whilst I stayed home and baked to my heart's content. Upon their return, we savoured a moist gluten free apple and walnut loaf, warm from my oven.

As I sit here reminiscing on how lovely last weekend was to spend with our friends, I'm reminded that it is now Saturday again- This weekend has really crept up on me after a busy week at work! I spent the first half of this morning in bed as the rain fell in white, blurry sheets outside. It certainly has been a wet Summer and beginning of Autumn.

During my leisurely surf (on the internet) I happened upon some useful advice from the lovely Bettina from Little Old Souls, who made a suggestion about guest blog posts by way of comment on the Facebook page Aussie Blogs to Love.

And so I send this interesting little question sailing out into the misty unknown of the blogosphere:

Would any keen little bloggers out there be interested in featuring in my very first guest post on my blog or perhaps you might be interested in featuring Sea and Salt in a guest post on your blog?

I'll leave you here to ponder whilst I go for a real surf. In the meantime, you're free to look around Sea and Salt, it's a lovely little spot to visit and you're always welcome.

Bella xx


  1. Hi Bella. Oh thanks for linking to me. I'd love to feature you in Aussie Blogs to Love. I'll send you an email in the next few days. Xx

    1. Thanks Bettina. Has anyone ever offered to share your blog in a post on their own blog? I'd love to do that!
      Bella xx

  2. Hey Bella, BEAUTIFUL shots. :) I'd be very happy to write a guest post for you... if you think it'd help you out. Just shoot me through an email xxoo

    1. Thank you Sash. I had such a lovely weekend and wish my photos did the scenery justice but they don't come close. How have your travels been? I love Melbourne too, for anyone reading this, I suggest you pop over to Inked in Colour, it will warm your heart.

      Thank you for the offer of guest post, I'd love to take up you on it :)

      Bella xx

  3. This looks and sounds like a perfect Easter weekend! I know what you mean, this weekend has crept up on me too, but my goodness am I glad it's here again!! x

    1. Hurrah for yet another weekend. We must be doing something right Alice :)
      Bella xx

  4. These images are beautiful, Bella! Looks like you had a magical Easter weekend. I absolutely adore the photograph of you!

    I would totally love to have you guest post at Love love, lady, & would equally love to contribute over here! Let's chat!

    Wishing you a wonderful week, lady.

    Sar xx

    1. Thanks Sar, let's organise it. I'm not really sure what I should do but we should email.
      Our Easter was lovely, although not long enough in my humble opinion. How have you been?
      Bella xx

  5. Your pictures!! So beautiful. What a lovely Easter.

    1. Thank you Julie. You and I live in very different places. I love to scroll through your blog when the nights cool off. It's like a snapshot into winter.
      I adore your blog, and your beautiful home cooked recipes.
      Bella xx


Thank you for taking the time to leave your messages. I love reading your words and sharing snippets from our seaside life with you.

Love Bella xx


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