Wednesday, April 3, 2013


"A portrait of my family, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Byron: Loves to wake the puppy up. There's definitely a hint of the mischievous young boy from his past in those eyes.

Coco: Always wakes up happy. She'd rather play with sleepy eyes and droopy feet as she wakes than be cranky.

On this particular morning we lazed about in bed. All of us, even Maxikat. It was the lead up to the Easter long weekend and we were enjoying quiet time together before our guests arrived.

Sometimes the most precious moments in my life come from making no plans, but rather living in the moment with my family by my side.

How was your Easter? I hope you were surrounded by laughter and love.

My favourite weekly share from others linking in with Jodi from Che and Fidel comes from a beautiful blog called malt memories. A perfect young face with all the charm of youth, from the bee-stung pink lips to the endless clear blue eyes. Your heart will sing.

My photo diary will follow in the next post so check back soon with a cup of tea to relax as you lazily scroll through the pictures.

Bella xx


  1. "Sometimes the most precious moments in my life come from making no plans, but rather living in the moment with my family by my side"..what a beautiful description, this one touched my heart, and I totally agree with you!! there is nothing valuable in the world then cherishing the beautiful lazy moments with your loved ones!!

    I will be waiting for your photo diary :)

  2. I agree! Those unplanned days are always the best! Love the picture and happy Easter to your family!

  3. The most precious moments in my life always seem to be when I'm lying in bed with my family just playing and mucking about. Those moments are perfect.

  4. I love the no plans days. Just lazy days enjoying the time we have together.


Thank you for taking the time to leave your messages. I love reading your words and sharing snippets from our seaside life with you.

Love Bella xx


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