Friday, March 29, 2013

Super Green Smoothie

When I was little, this was the holiday of the infamous chocolate egg hunt. My mother would hide the colourful foil wrapped eggs in the vegetable garden, under the leaves of indoor pot plants, behind the bedroom door, some in full view and others in impossibly hard to fathom hiding places.

This Easter I am 28. At 28 years young my mother had already given me life and I was a tender four years old. I find myself thinking about expanding our family and to be honest the idea both warms my heart and scares me completely. I have the maternal urge, if you can call it that. However, there is so much that I don't know that I think I probably should and I catch myself thinking in circles, sometimes for hours.

As I plan my own life for the little one that will join us one day, my focus and cravings have centred on health and wellbeing. No longer do I yearn for the shiny wrapped foil covered eggs of my youth, but the vibrant coloured fruit and vegetables that I have poured my heart and soul into trying to grow in my very own backyard. Today, after I mowed our lawn, raked the clumped grass and shifted our potted plants out onto the grass to catch the rain, I saw it.
In a beautiful tuscan barrel, nestled beneath a small plant with densely packed green leaves sat a shiny red, round egg shaped ball.

Only it wasn't a colourful easter egg, but my very first homegrown ruby red strawberry. I couldn't believe it.

I. Grew. A. Strawberry.

It was plump and shiny and in my opinion, almost ready to be picked but I decided to wait... Until Easter Sunday morning... So I don't tick off any bunnies.

This weekend, instead of overindulging on packaged processed overly sweetened brown chocolate, carefully covered in the familiar thin foil of every colour of the rainbow, we've decided to continue to focus on colourful foods, sourced naturally.

We prepare and eat meals filled with all the goodies our bodies need and we cherish every opportunity to promote good health. Here I've posted a recipe for a super green smoothie. For those who might be allergic to bananas (I'm thinking of you, Saara from Love, Love Lady), then avocado is a suitably delicious alternative that adds a special creamy texture and 'bulks up', or thickens the smoothie. Your flavour options are limitless.

Super Green Smoothie

Serves 2-3

One large handful of baby spinach
2 sweet bananas
1 kiwifruit
1 small cucumber (peeled or unpeeled, it's up to you)
2 granny smith apples or cloudy apple juice
1/2 tsp spirulina
6 ice cubes

Blend all ingredients together until you have a thick, chilled smoothie. Enjoy by the glassful!

Happy Easter to those who celebrate it. To everyone else, enjoy your long weekend, stay safe on the roads if you're travelling and I hope wherever you may find yourselves that you are surrounded by laughter and love.

Immerse yourselves in family and friends and don't forget to drink your greens.

Love Bella xx


  1. Hi! Just came across this smoothie, will have to try a variation. But I just have to comment on your plans and thoughts on having a baby. If you are thinking about it and have a partner who is ready and willing, better do it sooner rather than latter. I know it doesn't mean much coming from a stranger, but I am 36 and just had my first child 10 months ago. And now I am kicking myself for waiting so long. I was pretty much like you, scared of the unknown. I lived with my partner for 7 years, and could do it earlier, but was waiting for the "right" time. Now I think kids are great and a lot easier than "they" say. So now I want more kids aNd stressing about my age. Plus I didn't expect the recovery from birth to take so long, but it does, and it's more stress as time is ticking. Just do it! It will be great.

    1. Thank you for your honesty. We've both talked to family about the decision to have children and at length with each other. Family at the moment are suggesting we wait until we are more financially secure. Did you encounter that? We've collected many of the necessary items. My mother used to have a glory box for me when I was a young girl and I guess this is a glory box of sorts but rather than for a marriage, it's for a little one. We've set ourselves a time line to achieve certain goals and if they don't 'take off', then we won't hesitate to begin the process. For us however, it will take far longer than 9 months once we make the decision.
      It's astonishing how fast time slips by, isn't it?
      Bella xx

  2. Oh, yay, thanks for the shout out, lady! I'm loving avo in my smoothies now - it's given them just the right consistency. I'm off to whip this one up for brekky! I adore you, my dear Bella Mills!

    Hope you're having a lovely Easter long weekend!

    Sar xx

    1. Hi Sar,

      I'm curious to find out what else I can use to replace bananas. We're excited about what we might come up with and will share it with you if we discover any yummy ones! I hope you and Sam (and your fur babies)are having a wonderful Easter, however you choose to celebrate the time.

      Bella xx

  3. thank you for your comment, im following you on gfc :)

  4. omg, it looks so yummy and inviting!!! I love green smoothies *_*
    I usually drink zucchini smoothy during winter, and green tea one during summer :)


    1. Yum! How do you use zucchini? Do you peel it first? I'd love to try it with the skin.

  5. Hi Bella, what kind of spirulina did you mix on this shake? is it something like this organic spirulina which I think it really is? Or did you use a blender or grinder then mixed other ingredients to have this one? I need some ideas for my experimental recipe that's why I'm asking? Thanks in advance!

    1. Hi Hanna,

      I used Bioglan spirulina for this recipe. In all honesty it was on sale from our local pharmacy and I was feeling a little flat at work one day. On my lunch break, I popped into the pharmacy and picked up the little package. I've been incorporating it into my diet for over a decade and have recently switched to this brand.
      Bella xx


Thank you for taking the time to leave your messages. I love reading your words and sharing snippets from our seaside life with you.

Love Bella xx


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