Saturday, April 13, 2013


"A portrait of my family, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Bella: Tastebuds tingling and moments away from devouring a cool, salty oyster.

A sea girl by my very nature, one of my favourite collection of memories came from growing up beside ocean rock pools, teaming with aquatic life. I was a qualified scuba diver with PADI by the time I was 14 and spent many weekends exploring the seemingly endless depths of our expansive blue oceans with my family. My father used to skin dive and occasionally he would bring home a dozen or so fresh oysters. He'd soak his dive gear in large white tubs in our backyard and shuck the oysters in the warm sun. I will always vividly remember my first oyster. Cool, salty and soft. It was one of the most curious and delicious flavours I had ever encountered.

My friends would screw up their young faces in disgust as I savoured every slow chew of the salty flesh.

Oysters aren't for everyone. For some, they're an acquired taste like strong black coffee or vintage red wine, whilst for others the concept of ingesting an oyster poses a threat too great for their gentle stomachs and taste buds to consider. For me however, the sweet, yet salty flesh sparks memories from the days I used to float through the cool Pacific waters, waiting eagerly as a young girl for her father to stride boldly out of the waves with a netted bag full of ocean treasures and sea delicacies.

Do you enjoy oysters? Do you recall the first time you tried one? I'd love to hear your thoughts, even if your face is screwed up in disgust like my young friends all those years ago.

My favourite pick from this week of the 52 project, as created by Jodi at Che and Fidel comes from Magical Days. I love the way the morning lights captures their golden hair with a magical quality, one would expect in fairytales.

Bella xx


  1. I haven't had them in along time, but I think that living so far inland makes it impossible for them to be nice. Maybe next time we get closer to the coast.

    1. Oh definitely wait until you're by the sea. I would suggest visiting a fishing village, most have some type of fisherman's co-op selling the freshest seafood. In these pictures I was at the local marina. My husband and I bought a dozen, they were cheaper than in the city and as perfect as I remember.

      I hope you're have a beautiful weekend Lila.

      Bella xx

  2. This has my mouth watering! Sam has never eaten an oyster...nor does she like most seafood (save for fish & chips haha) so this has me pining for it!
    I vivdly remember the first oyster I ate - I was five, the flower girl at my aunts wedding & my father offered it to me to try - exactly as you described, 'cool, salty & soft'. I can recall various family members watch me as I tried to suck the flesh from the shell without spilling it on my dress, & the applause at my success! I have loved them since! I think the fact that I was young probably added to my love of them, as I was always wiling to try new foods & was never aware of their stigma at that young age.
    Our university always has platters of fresh oysters (as well as the usual cheese & wine!) at their gallery showings & theatre opening nights - my absolute heaven!

    Sar xx
    Ps. This is fantastic portrait of you,Bella! x

    1. Thank you Sar, Byron took these pictures as we sat at an outdoor picnic table, surrounded by noisy, starving seagulls (although, I don't think they were starving given their size... Mostly noisy).

      I think one's first oyster is an unforgettable experience, much like the first time one rides a bike unassisted. I agree with you about trying oysters at a young age. I remember trying so many different things as a child, however my taste has definitely evolved. In terms of oysters however, the love has grown.

      I can't believe your uni has oysters, that sounds very classy!

      Bella xx

  3. I've never tried oysters! My now-ex used to work on an oyster farm, but I never got around to eating them... I would love to scuba dive though, but the cold water here definitely puts me off. Maybe I'll learn somewhere hot and exciting though! x

    1. Alice, I would suggest you try oysters with someone who loves them, that way they can show you how to eat them properly and describe all the flavours you're looking for. If you go with someone who dislikes oysters, it might affect your experience. As for scuba diving, go for it! The experience is otherworldly.

      Bella xx

  4. I can devour seafood like a gluttonous woman gone made, Smashing crabs, ripping prawn shells, but I am yet to develop a taste for oysters. I have tried them so many times in so many different ways. But I cannot escape the thought of snot dripping down my throat.

    1. Ha ha! I was waiting for somebody to write that! I know it can be hard to put what they look like to the back of your mind but it's truly worth it in my opinion. Then again, everyone has a different opinion. I should post more seafood pictures because I adore living by the coast. Thanks for your hilarious comment!

      Bella xx


Thank you for taking the time to leave your messages. I love reading your words and sharing snippets from our seaside life with you.

Love Bella xx


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