Monday, March 9, 2015

On Being Quiet and a Little Announcement

Isn't it always the way when your favourite blog is quiet, it's usually because the writer is very busy in real life; taking photographs or writing for another publication, having babies or preoccupied living in other ways. Travel. Adventures. Reflection.

We've been busy here too. At the beginning of 2015 I had grand hopes of documenting Baby Love through a portrait series, one or two shots per day. To my surprise, I completed the entire month of January however, as usually happens when I am distracted by other tasks, the portraits fell by the wayside during February as we pursued another dream that has been brewing for oh, I don't know, the past few years...

We've recently launched our own photography business, Sea and Salt Photography. You can view the website here. We still managed to take daily photos of our little Love however, these remain untouched and therefore, unedited on my external hard drive until I can gather a few undesignated minutes here and there to actually sit, alone, to edit and share.

In more personal news, Byron's mother, Letty, has returned from Dubai to share the next two weeks with us and of course, her darling grand daughter. We will embark on a road trip to Byron Bay and spend the next week dining on gluten free tacos at Miss Magarita and heavenly falafel, sipping coconut water on Main Beach and exploring the tiny stalls and boutique stores that line the streets of the sunny seaside town. I'm particularly keen to visit Spell Designs after seeing the beautiful Jodi of Practising Simplicity in one of their gorgeous ankle length summer dresses. Those photos were taken by my talented friend, Katherine of Lamb Loves Fox and Lamb and Fox Photography (if you don't know about her yet, you really should visit her blog, it's well worth the time). Hopefully I can find something breastfeeding-friendly to laze about in as the cooler Autumn air settles over our beachside bungalow.

When we're finally home, rested and recharged, we will finish some renovations on a house we purchased last year. The private sale was finalised when Love was barely days earth side; a blinking, tiny warm bundle of sweetly scented newborn wrapped and nestled close to my heart.

When I think about it, I'm not too disappointed with the interruption to my Year of Love 365 portrait series. It's challenging enough trying to renovate with an almost mobile baby and to start a family business whilst remembering to dip our toes into the sea of wanderlust and adventure- I'm feeling rather proud of our efforts.

Remember to check out our website if you're interested in viewing some of the natural, spontaneous moments we've captured for local families. Those of you who follow me here will probably recognise a few of the locations along the Mid North Coast and the good news is we're happy to travel to take photos.

Thank you, dear blog friends for the love and support.

Bella xx


  1. Sometimes real life gets in the way but that's not always a bad thing! Readers that love your blog wont disappear overnight, especially those who might write their own little spaces of the interweb, just 'cos they understand that part a little bit more! ;)

    Sending you all of the luck with your photography business! Off to peek at your new website xxxx

    1. Oh I wholeheartedly agree with you, especially when I think of my favourite blogs. At the moment I'm enjoying food blogs again and loving Not Without Salt. Ash's instagram feed is equally tantalising!
      Bella xx

  2. Good luck with the Photography business! Have fun in Byron I do so love it there and Miss Margarita has such delicious food! x

    1. Thank you. We had a splendid time in Byron Bay; Miss Margarita did not fail to disappoint. We enjoyed black bean nachos with the loveliest guacamole I've had from a restaurant. Baby Love tried it and enjoyed it too.
      Bella xx


Thank you for taking the time to leave your messages. I love reading your words and sharing snippets from our seaside life with you.

Love Bella xx


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