Friday, March 6, 2015

Love is All You Need

A friendly lady offered to take our photo at the farmers markets this morning


Market Day, Farmers Market Day. Mountain laid free range eggs and organic okra will be gracing our table in the coming days.

Yesterday marked four years since my husband and I first met. I wrote more about that first encounter here. Since that fateful night, we've travelled across oceans together, ventured into eerie dark cave systems, snorkelled turquoise reefs, salsa danced in dim lit bars and made a beautiful baby together.

Without him, I wouldn't have this family. I might have lost faith in my ability to birth our daughter during the peaks and troughs of labour. Without him, I might have stayed in a dead-end job in the city, or continued to work at the tiny bar (my second job) where we first met. I might never have visited the tropical, humid paradise that is Borneo. You are my best friend, B, and I'll love you for as long as my heart goes on beating.


The lady who asked to take our picture said, 'Love is all you need' and then she reminded us to take time out for one another to be romantic before capturing this moment.

Love really is all we need.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photo Bella! I just love that she not only took a photo, but a STUNNING natural photograph of you all.



Thank you for taking the time to leave your messages. I love reading your words and sharing snippets from our seaside life with you.

Love Bella xx


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