Saturday, August 31, 2013

35/52 The Last Day of Winter

A portrait of my family once a week, every week in 2013

Coco: Watching white seagulls on the last afternoon of Winter, 2013.

Today I pumped up the flat tyres on my vintage bicycle. Since we moved to our seaside home last November I have rarely pedalled the neglected little machine. I was saddened to notice specks of rust along the upper surface of the cream frame, evidence of the salty sea air. Thankfully the bike pump was a breeze to use today, usually I find myself mucking about with the connector, trapping my fingers between the spokes and generally getting a little ticked off.

After stretching my long limbs and opening the noisy garage door, I stood in the sunshine taking in the glow of the last morning of a warm winter. Within seconds, Coco was by my side and joined us as Byron and I pedalled along the street to the corner store to purchase coconut milk for Byron's delicious Malaysian curry. We reached the store, stood our bikes on their stands and Byron ducked inside to locate our missing ingredient.

Like all dogs that are accustomed to life indoors and not used to being told to stay outside, Coco strutted boldly inside, unaware of 'The Rules'. The little girl at the counter smiled at Coco as I clumsily raced inside to collect my confident pooch. She laughed as I scooped Coco into my arms before adding, 'Don't worry, you'd be surprised how many times it happens.' I left the store wondering whether she meant other dogs walk inside or perhaps our Coco is a regular customer.

After a delicious lunch (seriously, the curry... To Die For... Recipe to follow soon so check back here!), Byron napped on the leather lounge before heading to work. Coco and I walked to the beach where we explored the rocky edge of the headland, collected shells, stalked seagulls and eventually returned home as the sunset on a day that felt as warm as summer.

This week from The 52 Project, Sisilia has captivated me with portraits of a mischievous smile and big brown eyes (oh! Those cheeks!). Barbara has posted magical, dreamy images of her sweet boys in a beautiful forest and Jodi has again woven her magic with beautiful words and sweet images of her children, moments captured in time to be admired for years to come.

What did you do during the last week of Winter?

Bella xx


  1. Replies
    1. I think so too :) Cute and cheeky, they are two qualities that seem to go hand in hand!
      Bella x

  2. Ha, as I read above, I had visions of Coco regularly going shopping, trotting up the the counter with his selection.

    1. You have no idea. The older lady owner was there one afternoon this week when Byron went to collect a parcel. She stated in her long monotone 'Noooo dogs alloooowed'. Coco doesn't understand much english to she went in to say hi... oh Coco!
      Bella xx

  3. Here, in Northern Ireland, we had the last day of summer yesterday. :)
    Coco is sooo cute!

    1. oh enjoy the gorgeous autumn/ fall. I would love to see the change in season in Northern Ireland!
      Bella xx

  4. How have I never found your blog before!? I'm in love. Our pup always invites herself in to our local corner shop! cheeky things.

    hannah bee


    1. Thank you Hannah and welcome :) Our little friends certainly have some quirky habits, like inviting themselves inside the corner store. I wouldn't change anything about Coco though :)
      Bella xx

  5. I love this! Your pup is lovely!!! A fave of mine from last week:) xo

    1. Thank you, she's such a loyal little friend. We love to explore the beach together. Thank you for the mention on your beautiful blog!
      Bella xx


Thank you for taking the time to leave your messages. I love reading your words and sharing snippets from our seaside life with you.

Love Bella xx


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