Saturday, June 1, 2013

22/52 Winter Arrives

A portrait of my family, once a week, every week, in 2013

Byron: Utterly pleased with himself, despite the cold. He protects our tiny Coco from the windswept beach.
Coco: She shivers against Byron's warm chest, tucked safely away in a jumper cocoon with only her tiny face exposed to watch the world.

Winter has arrived in all it's chilly fury. Our cold toes curl as we drag two pairs of ugg boots out of hibernation to protect our feet from the cool hardwood floors. The days are shorter, and the aromas of homemade soup waft throughout our home from our slow cooker. We crave hearty, healthy meals from the oven or stovetop, hot tea, steamed vegetables in preference to crunchy salad and late mornings tucked up in bed.

If you happened to pass by my window this morning, you would have seen me with a messy, loose bun and thick woollen scarf draped high around my neck. I would have been holding my favourite mug with both hands to warm my fingers and wearing a chunky camel coloured knitted sweater and long socks pulled high over my leggings for comfort.

The seasonal change has brought with it some illness, fatigue, flushed cheeks and telltale pink noses but restful days allow our bodies time to heal.

I hope you're keeping warm and toasty and don't forget that you have just over two short weeks left to enter our giveaway. Good luck!!

Bella xx


  1. Just reading this post makes me wish I had a pair of uggs! Such a sweet image

  2. yeah i want uggs as well, that picture is so darn cute, your dog is like...what the heck! x

  3. I LOVE this pic Bella! Fur babies are the best. Wishing you a wonderful, illness free, week x x x


Thank you for taking the time to leave your messages. I love reading your words and sharing snippets from our seaside life with you.

Love Bella xx


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