Tuesday, May 28, 2013

21/52 Sand

"A portrait of my family, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Coco: Saturated from racing through tiny waves along the shoreline. She stares at us in anticipation as flecks of sand and shiny sea droplets dust her little face.

I often marvel at how drastically the sandy shores can change. Over the summer I could barely stand in one place due to the excessive heat, hopping from one foot to the next in search of forgiving shade. This month the sand feels cool against my skin as the autumn wind picks up the loose top layer and sends ghoulish shapes floating above the ground in long curving streams, similar to sand floating through an invisible river current.

On really windy days, the ones that warn of approaching storms, the sand whips against my skin, stinging my ankles as I instinctively reach for Coco to lift her to the safety of my embrace; we both squint to protect our eyes. Some days I may see a long burned out campfire, with blackened driftwood that has begun to be reclaimed by the powerful sea.

During our morning walks we usually jog close to the shore where the sand is firm underfoot and wet from the gently lapping waves. Our prints leave temporary evidence that we were here, on a vast beach before the ever changing tides smooth over our sand impressions leaving no trace that we ever visited. Sometimes I think about my impact on my environment and wonder if I will leave a lasting impression in any form? Will it be on those I loved? Those who knew me? My environment or future generations? I believe that I will be remembered best by those who outlive me, and I dearly hope I live on through the memories of my unborn children. I want to share my love for life, the sea, my family, and my pollution-free environment with anyone who shares similar passions for a simple, beautiful lifestyle.

I hope my temporary footprints leave a positive impression on my loved ones, however long they remain before inevitably washing away.

Portraits that made a lasting impression with me during this twenty-first week of Jodi's 52 project captured sweet boys in their natural seaside surrounds. To gather and love is a beautiful blog to stop by if you have a spare moment to stop and reflect on life's simple pleasures.

If you haven't seen my little autumn giveaway, click here to enter. Entry is free and will only take a minute of your time, entries close June 16th, 2013 so enter soon!. Have a wonderful week my dear friends.

Love Bella xx


  1. thank you bella for your sweet words and thoughtful link. your photographs are just magical (i have so much to learn) looking forward to following along x

    1. Blogging is addictive, in the most merry of ways. There are many supportive people in the blogosphere, and you've already joined them with your kind comment :)
      Bella xx

  2. That is the most gorgeous photo EVER!

    1. She is rather cute, isn't she? Such a sweet little face.
      Thanks for the comment Rachael. I'm just about to pop over to your blog now, I have my cup of tea in hand for some afternoon relaxing.
      Bella xx


Thank you for taking the time to leave your messages. I love reading your words and sharing snippets from our seaside life with you.

Love Bella xx


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