Sunday, May 12, 2013

19/52 Cloud Shapes

"A portrait of my family, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Byron: Cool, calm and relaxed. He propped himself up on his elbows to look at me one sunny afternoon as we lazed on the beach staring at cloud formations.

Do you do that too? Sometimes we lie on our oversized beach towels in the soft, warm sand; other times we sit on the grassy knoll at the end of the headland and watch the clouds drift by as giant, fluffy white shapes floating out to sea. On this particular afternoon Byron had seen a giant rabbit, I saw it too but pretended I had no idea what he was talking about. It was the most distinct cloud bunny I had ever seen and Byron was in disbelief that I could not make out the ears.

After several moments of tracing the outline with his fingers and the most elaborate description of long ears you could imagine, he propped himself up on his elbows to look at me quite seriously. He scrutinised my face for an instant, as captured here, before my face broke into a smile as I burst into laughter.

He smiled and kissed me briefly before lying back down in the sand with his hand behind his head and coyly added, 'You saw it. I knew it.'

This week I loved the thoughtful expression of a sweet little girl standing amongst a sea of golden flowers beneath a cloudy blue sky. I think I'm having a love affair with clouds this week.

My other favourite portrait is of sweet little Audrey May in the soft sunlight and those eyelashes!

Stay tuned for our Autumn Giveaway, which will be posted TODAY!

Happy Mother's Day xxx

Love Bella xx


  1. Love watching clouds!

  2. I LOVE finding cloud shapes, and like to think I'm pretty good at it (or have an overactive imagination). This is such a sweet moment that you've shared too!! xx

  3. Oh that is so cheeky! I love it!!
    Thank you so much for mentioning my little Audrey, it is hard to believe my little one is 18 months old! And a MASSIVE thank you Bella for the suggestion to make my photos bigger, I cant believe the difference it has made to the blog aesthetically! You are a genius...
    Much love lovely one, enjoy spotting the clouds x x x


Thank you for taking the time to leave your messages. I love reading your words and sharing snippets from our seaside life with you.

Love Bella xx


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