Sunday, April 21, 2013

Afternoon Light

It's that familiar time in the late afternoon when the sun hangs low in the sky and the cooler air silently creeps in to settle on the grass. The final hour or two of the daylight projects a kaleidoscope of incredible colours across the sky. Tall trees cast even longer shadows, the crickets begin to click and sing in animated chorus as the sea beckons me with her powerful song, like an exotic siren calling to nearby sailors.

The land is golden in these moments, the afternoon light is soft and romantic. This is nature at her beautiful best.

In our final daylight hours, we bobbed up and down on our boards in the blue ocean waiting patiently for the perfect sets of waves to carry us to shore. The sensation I feel when standing on my long board as it hurtles towards the beach at incredible speed is unequalled and unlike any other I have felt. The lure of the sea, the magical cloud formations over the horizon, the unique stillness of a windless evening. A golden sunset and mauve horizon glow briefly before the first stars begin to shine in a darkening sky. Sea and salt, the methodic sounds of the crashing waves. It's all part of a fragile, yet powerful ecosystem.

I am home.

Love Bella xx


  1. Your shots are gorgeous Bella! Just stunning! Happy weekend to you!

    1. Happy weekend to you too! What do your afternoons look like in the soft light? xx

  2. I adore the way your write, Bella. After a hellish day, I feel as though you have transported me away to a paradise. I feel relaxed & carefree. What a wonderful life you have created for you & Byron.

    How has your weekend been? I must email you soon for a chat! Wishing you a beautiful week ahead, lady!

    Sar xx

    1. Thanks Sar, it's not always sweet afternoons filled with surfing and cooking, although I wish we could! The best days are those where we have the same day off together. Those days are few and far between so we cherish them.

      I'd love to get in touch via email :) Wishing you a wonderful week.

      Bella xx


Thank you for taking the time to leave your messages. I love reading your words and sharing snippets from our seaside life with you.

Love Bella xx


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