Friday, February 8, 2013

Going Green This Friday

Green smoothie goodness, inspired by Sash over at Inked in Colour and although I'm somewhat of a smoothie buff, I haven't actually made one with spinach before. Shocking, right?

There's something incredible about drinking a smoothie so green and full of the wonder of the earth that makes my heart beat stronger and my mood lift with bubbly happiness.

I made Sash's smoothie, on Tuesday as an afterthought when I remembered I should use a soft mango in the fridge, then a second time when my mother and grandmother came to visit on Wednesday. The third time I made a green smoothie was this morning, but as fate would have it, I had run out of mangoes. Super Mum was helpful by bringing me a fabric bag filled with organic mangoes freshly plucked from her very own mango tree but they're still too bitter green to use in a smoothie, so I made a new version.

Drink Your Spinach Smoothie

3 generous handfuls of baby spinach
2 large, ripe bananas
1 cup of freshly squeezed or cloudy apple juice
1-2 Tbs natural yoghurt (I love Bornhoffen natural yoghurt)
1 entire tray of ice (12 cubes)

Place all ingredients into a blender and pulse until the spinach has been pulverised. Pour a thick stream of the vibrant green smoothie into large cups or glasses and enjoy with your loved ones for breakfast or as an afternoon hunger buster (careful not to spoil your dinner appetite).

We drank ours in our bedroom loft, early in the morning before a barefoot walk on the beach.

Thanks again to Sash for inspiring me to drink green. We've never met in person but I love your blog and I'm so pleased you shared this recipe with us because now I can pass it on.

Now I can drink my spinach.

Love Bella xx


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Sash. Baby spinach is more versatile than I ever imagined. We're growing some in or garden too. I cannot wait until it's ready! Loving your beautiful blog and thanks again for this genius, simple little recipe.
      Bella xx

  2. I love making smoothies! I usually make these healthy ones that have a mix of fruits and veggies and the sweet flavour dominates. It's great! I'll try out your smoothie tomorrow, it looks delish!

    By the way, I'm your new follower! Take a look at my blog if you can!

    Ani xoxox

    1. Hi Ani, thank you for stopping by. I checked out your blog and ti's lovely (following back). What other veges do you use in your smoothies?
      Bella xx


Thank you for taking the time to leave your messages. I love reading your words and sharing snippets from our seaside life with you.

Love Bella xx


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