Thursday, February 28, 2013

Final Breaths

During her final hours, Summer has delivered a bright burst of sunlight. The piercing white light penetrates the grey sky outside my bedroom window and I feel a strange sense of nostalgia thinking back over the past three months.

Autumn arrived early and patiently waited for Summer to gather her things and depart on her northern holiday. Autumn is generous in many ways and it is during this beautiful season that soft light filters through my windows, causing everything to glow differently.

I've been baking warm desserts lately with green granny smith apples, cinnamon and brown sugar. The urge to bake and share sticky, sweet dishes directly from my shiny oven with my loved ones is a feeling that is familiar to me during the Autumn months and like the light that shines through my windows, I feel warmth and a certain, special glow. As the leaves outside fade to hues of golden yellow and warm red I take comfort in the soft light. Autumn to me means countless cups of hot tea, adventures found within the dog-eared pages of my favorite books, and a kitchen that is constantly filled with the sweet, spicy aromas of cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, and love.

Outside the flood waters continue to recede as I mentally note what ingredients I need to purchase this afternoon in order to bake a rhubarb pie.

On this, her final day I am saddened yet filled with happiness and hope simultaneously as Summer draws her final breaths.

Bella xx


  1. A simply beautiful post, Bella. I love your way with words, and this here is certainly no exception. I am partial to Summers presence, yet you've made me long for the warm embrace of these cooler months.

    I am wishing I was sitting in your kitchen, filled with all these warm and lovely scents, and eating rhubarb pie. Enjoy a piece for me!

    Sar xx

    1. Thank you Sar. I love getting to know people through their blogs and to have you say such lovely things to me honestly makes me feel like it's all worth my while. Who knows? Perhaps one day you will be sitting with me at the breakfast bar in my kitchen, chatting over hot cups of tea and rhubarb pie. I like the sound of it :)

      Bella xx

  2. Granny Smith apples are a little too harsh on my teeth while eaten raw, that's why I always bake apple pie and apple squares with 'em! They're delish!
    Great post!

    Ani xoxox

    1. Ohh! How do you make your apple squares?
      Bella xx

  3. Oh I am with you the Autumn is so beautiful and I am looking forward and happily toward the new season. Beautiful picture xxx

    1. I agree with you! Autumn is such a beautiful season, the change in colours is incredible.
      I really like that you included your address at the bottom of your comment, it's such a nice way for me to check in with you in your little green corner of the internet. I would encourage everyone to do it :)
      Bella xx

  4. Beautifully do magic with words!!!

    1. Thank you Supreet. I notice you stop by and comment quite a bit and i'm truly grateful for your kind words.
      Bella xx

  5. even when you take pictures of common things they look like magic! and if you ever feel summer nostalgia you can always come here to italy! we're just welcoming the spring...


Thank you for taking the time to leave your messages. I love reading your words and sharing snippets from our seaside life with you.

Love Bella xx


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