Sunday, February 24, 2013


"A portrait of my family, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Me: Playing around with Byron during a quiet escape to the country. I love that I can share my childish enthusiasm for adventures with him.

Usually I'm the one behind the lens but occasionally I pop up in the photos. On a quiet day we drove along a winding road that wrapped it's way through dark green mountains. We stopped for a couple of hours in a beautiful area to explore our surroundings and were surprised to find we were the only people there.

Byron and I both captured moments from our day trip and seconds before this shot was taken he took several pictures of me smiling normally into the round glass lens of our camera. I thought he would put the camera away when I skipped forward, poking my tongue out at him the way I usually do when I think nobody is watching us. It was then that I heard it. Click.

When it's just the two of us, we often joke around. We don't make a habit of playing on country roads, this photo was taken when there were no cars visible for miles. There was nothing but the sound of beautiful birds calling to one another and water trickling nearby.

I thought about adding pictures of my family for this week of the 52 project but instead decided upon this picture. I'm a part of my family and the person who took this picture was my husband. He captured me the way I am with him and that's something sweet and unique to us that I thought would be fun to share with you.

I've really enjoyed being a part of Jodi's project and have visited countless sites from other friendly bloggers out there who have linked up.

Thank you for sharing parts of your lives with the rest of us. I hope your family and friends take as much care and interest in taking your picture as you do taking photos of them.

Love Bella xx

P.S. A quick reminder that our giveaway ends on the 28th of this very month. That's four short days left to enter! Click here to enter and Good Luck!


  1. What a wonderful photo, I'm sure one of you smiling normally would have been great too but this one captures far more personality :)

    1. Thank you. It was a fun day to enjoy away from work together. We don't have the luxury of enjoying many of those so this was a treat!
      Bella xx

  2. cute, I've never thought about joining in 'myself'. But I am a strong believer that we need to get out from behind the camera.

  3. Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! Looks like you need to get busy makin babies! You are so pretty!!

  4. Oh, I love this image, Bella! You're so gorgeous, and you can definitely see your personality shining through.

    Wishing you a lovely week, lady - with plenty more of these moments

    Sar xx

  5. Love this!
    Kiddos definitely keep us young.


Thank you for taking the time to leave your messages. I love reading your words and sharing snippets from our seaside life with you.

Love Bella xx


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