Monday, January 7, 2013


We walked here

We sat on the grass

We ran a little

Then ventured home

Where we lazed with Maxi outside in the shade

He stretched his long feline body across the little old metal table with the flaky white paint in the Tuscan garden

We relaxed, dozed for a little while and before we knew it, night time fell.

We didn't have to drive anywhere, our meals were prepared at home and the highlight of my day was spending it with my little family. Byron, our cat Maxi and our puppy Coco.

How did you spend your Sunday?

Bella xx


  1. How lovely are Maxi's eyes? I think that one is my favourite photo.

  2. They are beautiful. When it's overcast his eyes look more green, it's quite fascinating. Byron joked that his eyes look like The Eye of Sauron from The Lord of the Rings when it's sunny. He's much nicer though :)

    Thanks for stopping by my little blog :)

    Bella xx

  3. Your dog looks like the beach is where it's all at! We're trying to interest our puppy in the joys of swimming but she seems more content to run as fast as she can from one end of the beach to the other and then roll in smelly things... puppies...:)

  4. @ Nic- Our puppy does that too! She chases the seagulls and we have to bribe her to come back (we like to think of it as 'training' her in our minds but really she's training us). Does your puppy like to roll in seaweed, sea sponge and dead birds? We try to get to her in time but can't always make it!
    Bella xx

  5. Am so jealous of your sunny weather, warm walks and lazy days! it's not quite the same when you're sat indoors with the heating on! Jen x

  6. @ Jen - It's funny isn't it? In the Winter time, I dream of lazy Summer days at the beach but now that I am experiencing this heat, I'd love to trade just one day for white mountains and snowflakes.
    Bella xx


Thank you for taking the time to leave your messages. I love reading your words and sharing snippets from our seaside life with you.

Love Bella xx


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