Sunday, April 3, 2016

Gluten Free Doughnuts (Donuts) - A Guest Chef on Cheekyricho

Sink bath in Christchurch

This is a quick post to share the work of someone very near and dear to me, who enjoys cooking just as much as I do. It may have taken some time (post-pregnancy, Love's first year and then some...) but I've finally got my baking mojo back. I'm experimenting with new flavours and techniques and the best part is that I have a wee helper, who perches on my kitchen bench and is content to stir, pour and knead just about everything.


Cheeky began her YouTube channel several years ago to connect with other home cooks and in that short time, she has amassed more than 14,500 subscribers to her channel. Her followers are keen to learn new ways to prepare dishes from all over the world and to share their own recipe variations and traditions. Her videos are presented honestly from her own kitchen in a fun and informative manner. She includes reviews and tips on basic cookery and her short videos have solved a number of 'what should we have for dinner?' dilemmas around our own kitchen table.

Today, I'm happy to share Cheeky's recipe for home cooked gluten free doughnuts (donuts), with a very special guest chef (you may recognise her!)

If you've got a few moments, scroll through Cheeky's other videos for a colourful selection of over 1000 recipes, including meals adapted for a range of allergy and dietary requirements and different tastes.

If you're a busy parent and cringe at the thought of cooking due to the mess, I sincerely hope the giggles and fun help to ease the anxiety. Post-cooking bath time is always a calming way to melt the time away until your dough has rested or your cake has baked to golden perfection.

Bella xx

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Love Bella xx


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