Thursday, December 10, 2015


Chicken pox. We have no idea where she contracted it but I do know that for two weeks, I felt unrelenting fear as her little body fought the virus. High temperatures, general discomfort and a very poorly baby. Thankfully, she did not break out in many blisters. These pictures were taken at the beginning. I don't have photos of how she looked as it progressed because I couldn't be separated from her when she needed me.

Somehow, despite this recent illness and the mandatory quarantine period, she managed to find joy in simple objects. A hair brush, a ceiling fan, a roll of toilet paper. Baby Love, you are stronger and more resilient than I ever imagined. I'm thankful that you did not suffer for very long. I'm grateful that your beautiful smile and happy personality shone through, even when you were unwell. xx

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Love Bella xx


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