Sunday, February 22, 2015

8/52 Winter versus Summer

Love: Enjoying a Skype call with her Uncle Darren, who resides in Ohio, USA.

Aren't we truly fortunate to be able to keep in touch with others through fast internet connections? I've never met Darren in person but I feel like we know each other, largely due to Skype and Byron's hilarious tales about his younger brother. He talks about Darren with a fondness that comes from strong brotherly affection and it makes me wonder whether Love will experience this sibling bond.

Darren was winding down for the evening after a long day, just as we were rising. We compared the scenes outside our respective windows; his lawn, a thick blanket of snow starkly juxtaposed with our overgrown jungle of green grass from the recent heavy rain. Soon it will be Autumn here as Spring begins to flourish in Ohio. I guess the real magic isn't so much the fast internet connection or a clever software application but our beautiful, ever-changing planet.

Joining Jodi and friends


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Thank you for taking the time to leave your messages. I love reading your words and sharing snippets from our seaside life with you.

Love Bella xx


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