Friday, July 5, 2013

Gettin' Caught in the Rain

The past week has been a wet one. Most of the east coast has been drenched. Grey skies, short days, chilly wintry nights, water-logged soil and damp air. But it hasn't all been grey, dismal days. We have had the odd cloud break allowing sunlight to filter through in golden rays, there has been the relaxing sound of raindrops on my rooftop and we've made use of the time indoors to bake, sizzle, stir and savour.

I love the fresh smell in the air just before it rains

The rain has watered our thirsty plants, replenished the earth and made the countryside glow green with life. The air smells fresh and we have been given the opportunity to get crafty whilst indoors. I've cleaned and read, watched movies curled up under a giant blanket with Byron and somewhere beneath, a tiny Maxi cat lump slept soundly snoring every now and again.

We have enjoyed our time together, under the one roof. We played Bananagrams, Scrabble, listened to crackly records and made plans for a bright future.

All the while, a tempting sea surged and beckoned us to visit. On some mornings, when the rain eased, we ventured outside to walk Coco or went for a winter surf. We took day trips in raincoats and purchased tall gumboots to splash about in the puddles. We drank chilli hot chocolates, traditional spiced chai tea, healthy flavoursome soups and dunked crusty chunks of warm bread into savoury sauces. We burned soy candles and lavender oil, I unpacked my sewing machine to recommence work on my nautical themed patchwork quilt, I began sketching my next painting, took photos of Byron as he slept and embraced every hour indoors with love and gratitude.

This is family time. It's warm and loving, generous and special. It's what I look forward to on rainy days.

Bella xx


  1. It all sounds lovely! One thing I miss about the East Coast is the amount of rain it gets. Here in Colorado, rain is so, so very rare; we get the great majority of our moisture from winter snow.

    I hope you're having a wonderful holiday weekend, Bella!

  2. I love when we get to cocoon as a family. Makes you feel so connected to each other. It is so beautiful that you two get this time together.


Thank you for taking the time to leave your messages. I love reading your words and sharing snippets from our seaside life with you.

Love Bella xx


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