Wednesday, June 12, 2013

To Market, To Market

Bangalow Markets// Gluten Free Thai Rice Cake// A Furry Local

Fresh Sushi Food Truck// An Unusual Meeting// Local Limoncello// Handcrafted Wooden Furniture

I love community markets and I love being able to explore them during the cool winter months. Reminiscing over the recent markets we have visited I recall vibrant coloured craft stalls, exotic aromas from the food trucks, locally crafted musical instruments and somewhere in the centre of it all, a band played beautiful folk tunes.

These are regular scenes at the Channon Craft Market and Bellingen Community Markets. We're pretty lucky to live on the east coast, a short drive from these wonderful community events and I love getting out there to support and meet the friendly faces of the people behind the local produce. We met Imogen from Imogen's Farm, a local vineyard deep in the heart of the Byron Bay hinterland. Imogen names each of her special bottled wines after her grandchildren and we were fortunate to bring a bottle of her fortified limoncello home, which was made from bush lemons growing on Imogen's Farm. I will have to wait to try it for a few months but it will be well worth it!

My Bellingen Markets hoard included my first ukulele, a chance meeting with an enchanting camel (my first time, up close and personal. Ok, not too close as I was frightened it might spit on my huge grin), freshly squeezed fruit juice, an aloe vera plant and some spring onion shoots.

My Channon Market treasures included a box of organic veges, Lady Finger bananas, locally made soy tempeh, kombucha tea, sushi made-to-order, freshly squeezed juice, Imogen's prize winning 'Tilly' limoncello, and gluten free Thai rice cake, cut into bite sized pieces and served in a banana leaf.

Byron and I have been seriously considering opening a trialling a little food stall of our own. Once I finish uni this semester, I'd love to plan it carefully. I think it could be fun, with plenty of hidden surprises and fresh challenges.

Do you visit any local markets? Have you ever had a market stall? I'd love to hear your market stories!

Bella xx

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Love Bella xx


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