Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Autumn Giveaway Winner


Sash from Inked in Colour

Sash just so happens to write an amazing blog, filled with colourful images of her gorgeous daughter Bo, adventures from her globe-trotting travels and thoughtful posts about love and daily living. Pop on over to Inked in Colour if you have the opportunity, it's a delightful way to spend a lazy winter morning with a cup of hot tea.

Congratulations, Sash! I hope you enjoy the giveaway items.

Thank you to all who entered! My next giveaway will be focused on healthy eating, the natural way. Details will be announced very soon! It's a giveaway with a difference, designed to highlight the lovely way in which the blogging community is open to sharing. The winner of my next giveaway will select a second winner!

Check back soon for details!

With seaside love from my coastal cottage,

Bella xx


  1. You have a nice blog. Do you want to follow each other in Google friend connect? Just follow me and leave a comment and I will follow you back :) We could add each other in our Google+ circles as well if you want. :) Cheers


Thank you for taking the time to leave your messages. I love reading your words and sharing snippets from our seaside life with you.

Love Bella xx


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