Sunday, May 19, 2013

20/52 Dreaming

"A portrait of my family, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Maxi: Fighting to stay awake, his head began to droop and soon he fell asleep.

Fluffy, calm and cute. This is Maxi during the early mornings and usually for the rest of the day. I think his exhaustion stems from the long hours he bounces around our house during the night, crashing into furniture, leaping onto my windpipe and pouncing on our toes as we dream.

I've heard that it's good practice for when we have a baby... The restless nights, dark circles under my eyes and demanding little one. They say I should sleep when the little one sleeps. Usually I find myself staring at this fur ball in wonder as he dreams and all the night time interruptions are forgiven.

My favourite portrait from Jodi's 52 project this week is of this tiny face, with her deep brown eyes so focused on her mama as she grasps her tiny letter block. I could melt with that gaze.

Oh and a friendly reminder: If you haven't seen my little autumn giveaway, click here to enter. Entry is free and will only take a minute of your time. Have a wonderful Sunday :)

Love Bella xx


  1. Oh those cats! We have a frisky one and a crabby one. Maxi is so cute! I can just imagine how soft and cuddly he is! If my boys see this picture, they will want one just like him. xo

    1. Cats have such unique personalities, don't they? Maxi is cuddly but he's also very heavy which makes for some difficult sleeping when he launches onto my chest in the middle of the night. Sometimes he stays there because he's so warm :)

  2. aww camera shy in the second pic??

    1. Ha perhaps it's a combination of 'too bright' and 'get that thing out of my face please'. :)

  3. He is so cheeky. I went to a local community market yesterday and purchased some seedlings. It was too windy to leave them outside yesterday and I can see now that he has chewed the tops of them some time during the night!

  4. Cute kitty! Looks like he is hiding from the paparazzi.

    1. I may have turned into the paparazzi around our home, my husband too. When we're not taking photos, we're cooking or surfing. It's a wonderful life :)
      Thanks for following along :)
      Bella xx

  5. I love that second photo ... I just want to give him a big tickle :0)

  6. Dropping by from Che and Fidel. How fun they are when they sleep with their paws over their eyes. My Winston does the same thing when she's curled into a ball. She also gets (what we call) the cat crazies where she bounced all over the house with her tail the size of a bottle brush and her eyes saucer wide! Hilarious.

  7. I have a very similar image of Quinn this week - paw over the eyes as she sleeps - adorable!

    Sar xx
    ps. I hope you're well, lady! I feel as though I am so behind on life at the moment - There's just not enough hours in the day for it all! Rest assured, I will have this package to you very soon. I'm sorry for my slowness! x


Thank you for taking the time to leave your messages. I love reading your words and sharing snippets from our seaside life with you.

Love Bella xx


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