Tuesday, April 30, 2013


"A portrait of my family, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Byron: A long morning stroll to stretch his tired muscles after a hellish late night shift at work.

For Byron, there is no better cure for an aching body after working a ten hour shift than a restful sleep, followed by a leisurely stroll along a quiet beach. Surf, sea breeze and the company of Coco to unwind, followed by two hours of surfing.

We really do live in paradise.

I have to stop right here. I have to share these long eyelashes. Sisilia has captured rare moments in these images. Magical, perfect moments in tiny eyelashes.

Bella xx


  1. So glad that you live in paradise so that you both can unwind! I would love to stroll that beach...Beautiful!

    1. The beach is ever changing. Some days it looks dark, others it looks like a tropical paradise. It's so lovely to call home!
      Bella xx

  2. I am so envious of your location! Nothing like smelling the slat air to rejuvenate the body.

    1. Salt in the sea breeze, it gives us renewed life on slow days.
      Bella xx


Thank you for taking the time to leave your messages. I love reading your words and sharing snippets from our seaside life with you.

Love Bella xx


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