Saturday, March 23, 2013

An Autumn Road Trip

Here are a few special moments from our Autumn road trip. We travelled north to celebrate my mother's birthday in the beautiful Byron Bay hinterland.

On our first morning we relaxed in the warm sunshine along the banks of the beautiful Northern Rivers region. It was here that we enjoyed a simple cooked breakfast and creamy lattes at a beautiful riverfront homestead. Tiny steam scrolls floated upwards from my coffee, unravelling into ghostlike shapes as the gentle current of the giant river beside us flowed silently towards the sea. Immediately after breakfast, we stretched our legs on the vibrant green lawn and rested on a lonely garden seat. In recent years I have spent many peaceful hours on this antique bench with cups of hot tea and the curled pages of my favourite books.

a peaceful seat // my cheeky husband // super green smoothie

After breakfast, Byron, Mama and I drove through the colourful green countryside to the quaint township of Bangalow. It was here that we wandered the beautiful gift and specialty stores for the rest of the morning. Handmade cotton dresses from Mexico, Aboriginal artworks, local made leather goods that carried the familiar leather scent, fine wooden jewellery boxes with perfect dovetail joints crafted in local workshops from smooth timber and oil paintings from local and international artists filled the tiny stores. Each shop front was adorned by incredible window displays and planter boxes filled with flowers scattered here and there. We stopped for another coffee. Byron had a frothy cappuccino and I recharged with a super green smoothie. Divine.

Byron Bay // cafe with mama // vintage bicycle  

Our afternoon was filled with a perfect cafe lunch and short drive to the iconic town of Byron Bay where we lost ourselves in the culture. It is here that we witnessed people from all over the world gather to bask in the golden sunlight along the busy streets and shores of Main Beach. The streets of Byron (as the locals call it) are covered with tiny street stalls, thriving restaurants, inviting markets and smiles from the visitors and locals. Music can be heard on every corner, which allows you to ease into the laid-back lifestyle. It's more than likely that you will see a colourful kombi van or two, some friendly folks with dreadlocks, many a bicycle in the heart of the town and a young girl having cotton and feathers wound into her hair. You will also see the wealthy folk in their fancy cars and designer casual wear but it's the same happy, healthy energy they exude that can be felt from the backpackers. Byron has a certain Bali feel to it, yet it also feels uniquely Australian and is a must see if you haven't visited our shores yet.

frozen yoghurt // Byron Bay Main Beach // our clean linen  

We snacked on frozen yoghurt with fresh, sweet mango pieces. Our three frozen yoghurt flavours were delicious! Pomegranate, banana with cardamon and ginger and creamy coconut. After our sweet cravings were satisfied, we took a leisurely drive through the winding hills surrounding Byron Bay Main Beach, with uninterrupted views of the distant mountains that seemed to rise mysteriously beyond the sea. We continued to wind around the narrow roads towards Byron Bay light house, the most easterly point of Australia, where we stopped to rest for a short while, taking in the magical views. As the sun slowly set, we picked up some organic fruit and vegetables for dinner and on the way home, my mother and Byron chatted happily about our day trip. It was Byron's first time in Byron.

kombucha tea // kiss me smoothie // colourful cakes  

My mother used to make kombucha tea when I was a little girl, we would drink a glass at breakfast time for good health. It had been over a decade since I last tasted the tea and was pleasantly surprised when my mother found a bottle of kombucha tea in Bangalow, that had been bottled in South Australia. All of those early morning rituals we had when I was a little girl came flashing back to me with vivid clarity as I happily sipped the naturally fermented golden tea. It tasted the same as my mother's version all those years ago.

On our return home, I made kiss me smoothies with organic hemp oil (recipe found here) and we laughed and chatted happily about the beautiful places we had visited. My mother prepared an incredibly flavoursome and healthy home cooked Chinese steamboat dinner, where everyone served themselves with giant spoonfuls of hot, clear soup and vegetables from the deep dish. It was the perfect evening to end a lovely day with my family.

Happy Birthday Mama!

Love Bella xx


  1. Beautiful photos Bella. What a fantastic road trip xo

    1. Thank you, it was nice to spend time with my mother for her birthday. I'm glad we had nice weather :)
      Bella xx

  2. One of my most favourite places in the world! Lovely photos x

    1. It really is beautiful. I remember my first time there- I took the same path, though it looks very different now.
      Bella xx

  3. Sounds so peaceful and beautiful. Sounds like soul-therapy.

    1. Oh it definitely was! I felt very relaxed with my family for this road trip. Sometimes all you need is a weekend to get back on track.
      Bella xx

  4. You two are such a good looking couple! I really miss these road trips with just hubby and me. Can't imagine how we would do it with a screaming toddler and a newborn in the back. Oh well, one day when they are all grow up maybe. Looks/sounds like you had fun.

  5. Beautiful pics...I so very loved the Bryon Bay beach, such a serene and calm place where you can spend your day with one of your favorite books!!

  6. These images, Bella, are simply beautiful! Your photos are better & better every time I visit here. Byron (the place) is stunning, hey? (& your Byron isn't too bad either! ;) )

    Oh, & Happy Birthday, Bella's Mama!

    Sar xx

  7. This looks amazing, your pictures are beautiful! I so need some sunshine, very jealous. x

  8. I am with everyone the pics, colours and sharing your times...beautiful xx

  9. Ahh the byron hinterland! Perfection, as is your photography!

    Thanks so much for linking up, so lovely of you:)

    xo em

  10. Thanks for sharing.. I still can't get my head around green smoothies x

  11. Oh to see my homeliest of homes! Having visited my Gran in Byron every summer, it is my most treasured place in the world (my husband even proposed there a few years ago up at the lighthouse). Thank you for sharing some lovely photos and memories, you've taken me momentarily out of cold and dreary London, and right back "home".
    Meg :)


Thank you for taking the time to leave your messages. I love reading your words and sharing snippets from our seaside life with you.

Love Bella xx


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