Tuesday, March 19, 2013


"A portrait of my family, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Byron et Coco: Fresh from a coconut oil shampoo, this little puppy was less than impressed about having a bath but she quickly forgave us after a cuddle in the sunshine.

Byron and I were less than impressed that she had rolled in duck poo, smearing green stripes down the sides of her neck moments before we hopped into the car to come home after our wonderful weekend. We'd had a quick dip in the pool, taking in the gorgeous river view with super green smoothies that Mama had prepared to replace coffee (Love you Mama!). The car was packed and all we needed to do was rinse off under the outdoor shower, towel dry and slip into our light clothing for the drive home but Coco had other ideas...

Picture this in slow motion: One lanky Australian girl and one lanky Malaysian boy, dripping wet in their swimming costumes racing across a large grassy lawn, flailing their arms and shouting 'Noooo Coco!' as a tiny puppy rolls happily in the smelliest poo you could imagine.

I'm sure the neighbours found it hilarious. So did we... After her bath of course.

Linking up with Jodi and I must say my favourite share this week (so far!) comes from the serious little face of Sharlene's daughter from Mon Petit Cirque. I love the effect that the light has across her sweet little frown and gorgeous dark eyes.

Bella xx

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Love Bella xx


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