Wednesday, March 13, 2013


"A portrait of my family, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Us: One part crazy, two parts happy and full of life. Here we're celebrating the end of the month of heavy rain.

There was a constant light drizzle, which felt like a gentle mist on my face. Elated to be outdoors, despite the overcast sky and soggy earth we enjoyed every precious moment. As the afternoon hours ticked by and with our bellies full of our smoked tuna picnic with oysters, fruit and cool refreshing water we made the most of the wholesome country air. Soon after this picture was taken, the moisture in the air began to fall in heavier droplets, dotting the pale grey timber pier. We hastily packed up our picnic and raced back to the car before driving home, listening to the soulful, folky sounds of Ben Howard.

Maxi stayed at our little beach bungalow and was sorely missed, however we found him curled up in the same place we left him upon our return. I think he enjoyed the break from the energetic puppy to carry on with his important cat business- Napping.

1 comment:

Thank you for taking the time to leave your messages. I love reading your words and sharing snippets from our seaside life with you.

Love Bella xx


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