Sunday, February 17, 2013


"A portrait of my family, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Coco: Always very selective about which holes to dig, here she is trying to reach a crab. He got the better of her on this occasion.

A gorgeous summer's day on a vast beach. The sun shone high in the sky, causing us to squint behind our sunglasses as the cool breeze blew in from the sea, tickling the hairs on my arms. Coco darted this way and that, carefully selecting specific tiny crab holes to sniff and dig. Tiny grains of sand stuck to her eyelashes and nose as she played.

My life has never been more complete than it is now, in this sleepy coastal town with my small, loving family.

Bella xx


  1. Our pup Charlie goes mad on the beach. Digging is his favourite and running up to other childrens sad castles and jumping all over them! xo

    1. They're almost different animals on the beach. How old is Charlie?

  2. lovely beach shot, looks like a perfect day!

    1. Thank you jo, it was a beautiful day. Very warm and very relaxing :)
      Bella xx

  3. I love that photo!
    There is nothing more joyful than a dog at the beach...especially if there are crabs darting around on the sand!

    1. I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes it's difficult to return home with Coco because the crabs are so enticing.

  4. Ha! Such a little scamp! I was considering including our dog in the 52 project, but it's just too difficult to get a non-blurry image of her, maybe I'll put her in one with my son!

    1. They move so quickly, don't they Ruby! I know what you mean. I just purchased an old film camera and am waiting for my first roll of film to be developed. I wonder how the pictures of the puppy will turn out...

  5. Aww your dog is gorgeous! I am so jealous of the beach. Yes, the sun is shining here today, but it's still only about 7C- warmth would be lovely, please!! x

  6. What a lovely beach to live close to and such a great photo! Thanks for stopping by my blog... am glad to have now discovered yours too x

  7. I'm currently standing in New England's 3 feet of snow....this looks WONDERFUL!

  8. lol too funny! This makes me wish I was somewhere warm!!



  9. It looks like a beautiful day by the beach and you sound very content where you are, it is such a lovely feeling knowing you are where you belong. Our little dog Molly went to the beach for the first time a month ago, she wasn't quite so fond of the water. I think we'll have to try again one day. :)


Thank you for taking the time to leave your messages. I love reading your words and sharing snippets from our seaside life with you.

Love Bella xx


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