Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Peach and Croissant Pudding

So Byron and I had a HUGE night a few weeks ago. We came home in the wee hours and I decided to make bread and butter pudding with some of the ingredients one might find either:-
a) usually always lying around my kitchen, or
b) from when I'd purchased things after deciding I'd make something and either forgot or was too lazy when I got home...

On this particular evening I found a packet of 3 1/2 croissants (I'd nibbled one on the way home from work- see what I mean? Lazy ha ha!) and a large tin of peaches.
With these powers combined, I am Captain Planet! Jokes... Though I was pretty cheerful on this particular night...

With these two main ingredients, and a little help from the free range eggs and milk and sugar I always have on stand-by, we whipped up a lovely milky, creamy liquid to soak the croissants in... Then we sleepily shoved everything in the fridge because we were too damn tired to wait for the thing to soak and bake.

Several hours later...

Byron and I woke up groggily, with seedy hangovers which were immediately cured (Ok, that might be a bit of a stretch.. 'Moderately cured') when we remembered the half-made pudding..

So we may or may not have slept for another couple of hours and then leapt out of bed with the enthusiasm and energy of a prized mare darting from the starting cage (Or maybe we gingerly floated/wobbled/stumbled down from the room, through the terrace to the kitchen, squinting in the harsh sunlight)...

I arranged the peaches and croissants in my glass Pyrex pie dish (it's a SEXY dish), and B soaked the croissants for half an hour, whilst I had a relaxing hot shower.

Baked at 180 degrees C and 45 minutes later, B and I had ourselves the TASTIEST, most buttery (without adding butter- that's how good croissants are in this pudding), melt-in-your-mouth, sweet pudding.

Oh and we had some leftover Vanilla and Honey Jalna yoghurt, which B shook up with milk to make a frothy yoghurt milkshake.. Mmmm...

Hangover cured.

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